League Info and Membership

USGA handicaps

We will no longer allow the use of guesstimate handicapping. You must have a real USGA handicap and you will play off your number always in all formats.

The grint

You are required to link your USGA handicap to The Grint app. For most everyone, the best way to do this will be to set up via The Grint (~$50/year). It will create a USGA # for you and link it. It does take about two days to start working. You also must have at least 54 holes entered. Most everyone should already have this. If you don't, I may have some of your gross scores from last year I can provide for you to enter.

live scoring

We will use The Grint for live scoring and leaderboards. You must be entering all your league scores into the app hole by hole.

Inclement Weather

We will have inclement weather contingencies for all events. We will only cancel an event if it is absolutely necessary. 

If any event (weeks 1-5) is canceled because of weather, we will try to reschedule for June 20th. If we cannot, you will be allowed to play a makeup round anytime before the next event. However, you must have at least one other member play with you to post a score.

Should the FedEx Cup final event be canceled due to weather, the final will be rescheduled for June 29th.

If any of the team events are canceled due to weather, the makeup night will be Thursday August 8th.

Should the Ryder Cup final event be canceled, it will be played on Saturday August 17th.

Membership Options

This is the classic “all you can golf” package. You’ll pay the league fee, play in as many of the scheduled outings as you can and you will be eligible for those sweet, sweet championship winnings. (League fee doesn’t cover green fees)

For those that would like, you can be a fill in. This is your chance to be a golfing mercenary! You won’t pay a league fee, but you won’t be eligible for winnings either. You’ll still sign up weekly and if a tee time isn’t full of 4 players, you might just get called upon. Think of yourself as the ringers. We cannot estimate how often you will get to play. We will pull in reserve guys when we cannot round off to groups of 4 or we need to fill up to 16 slots and we are short. For the Ryder Cup, we will likely draft the reserves to a team, but again, you only play when we need to even up matches. We will do our best to cycle the reserves throughout the season to spread the tee times and get people involved as much as possible. The more weeks you’re available the more chances you will have to play as a fill in. You will also be included in league gatherings and such. This is the best path to full membership should a spot open in the future. 

Fees and Payouts

2024 Full Membership Fee
$ 0

Payouts based on 16 Full Members – $5 trophy fee

FedEx Cup Weekly Payouts

($380 – 20% of the pot)
1st – $40
2nd – $21
3rd – $15

FedEx Cup Final

($292 – 15% of the pot)
Winner of the final – $175
Regular season winner – $113

Ryder Cup Weekly Payouts

($480 – 25% of the pot)

Nightly payout will be $96 to winning team to split.

Ryder Cup Season Payout

(40% of the pot)

The winning team at the end of the Ryder Cup season + final will get $768 to split.


The schedule is subject to change, but we will do our best to stick to this. Please be sure to review the planned locations for 2024.

Format & scoring

The format for 2024 is going to stay the same. Please review all this information so you know what to expect for this year.

Membership & Info

Review what is required to play in 2024 and other guidelines, such as the inclement weather policies.